Well with about two weeks left till Christmas I am starting to think more about the holiday each day. It is a busy time for me at work but there are things to consider that make this holiday great. Just a few days ago, I setup my Christmas decorations in my home: A couple of manger displays, one made of wood and the other consists of porcelein type figures; A four foot tall fiber optic tree with lots of colorful lights, snow flakes, a bird, and lots of ball ornaments. I took a pic with my camera phone and will post it here sometime in the future. I did my shopping for Christmas at some stores at Crossroads plaza and a video store, both located in Cary, NC. Tomorrow morning I will take the presents to Qwik pack to have them mailed to Florida. Tonight I attended a Christmas show at Hope Community church. The set had some wrapped presents, stars, and characters dressed up in festive attire. There was a really tall and very decorated Christmas tree, without lights but with candles in the main area outside the doors. As I sang traditional Christmas songs, I was reminded of the real reason for all of these celebrations, the birth of Jesus. I look forward to the day that I will meet him in heaven or in the clouds. Although, from my study and research baby Jesus was probably born during the fall feasts of Israel, likely in September, not December. I know that my sister was born in December, her birthday is tomorrow. As I was driving home, I passed some Christmas lights in people's yards. I think the red, green, yellow, and white lights on the displays is the most effective combination. At work, we are playing Christmas music all day now. Two stations that play from Sirius radio are Holly, my favorite, and the 40's on 4 station(Old timers songs). And a final part of my Christmas is creating greeting cards, usually on my computer and mailing them out. I have used a software program called Hallmark Card Studio the past few years for getting ideas of templates and for changing the design with the Art studio application. It is a program with lots of extras and I would recommend purchasing the new version. I have used MS Publisher and Print Shop in past years to create the cards. If you have MS Publisher 2003 on your computer (it is part of MS Office 2003), then here is a website to check out on Office online: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/publisher/HA010348621033.aspx. For taking holiday photos I found this excellent article, which was a link in a message from one of my MS newsletters: http://www.microsoft.com/athome/photos/holidayphotos.aspx. If you have any more questions or comments about Christmas and how to use your computer, digital camera, or house for full effects this Christmas let me know.
And have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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