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Monday, April 26, 2010

Last week in April

Well, this is the last week in April, ending on Friday. There is a full moon on Wednesday and some say that this is the second Passover, and a possible rapture day according to the lunar calendar. It could also be the day that the trial of Jesus began and then the journey to the cross. I just read a post titled, "Clues" that has some interesting info about the time that we are in on God's clock and what could happen in the word soon: Here is another excellent article about what could transpire this week: I have been reading about the volcano in Iceland that erupted and caused ash and smoke in the air over Europe. I was thinking that this could be the start of a chain of additional eruptions that may be the answer to Joel 2:31 "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come". This is the time of year when the most tornados are occurring. Yesterday I was riding my bike when it started to rain. I raced home and when I turned on the TV there was a tornado warning for an area just a few miles east of here. A tornado reminds me of Elijah, who was carried away into the air in a whirlwind and chariot of fire. I had the opportunity to discuss Christian doctrines this week at a small group meeting. The subject was the first part of  Mark chapter 10. After the discussion we had some snacks and someone showed pictures of a cruise ship vacation. On Friday night I went to a singles event at a game room at Hope. I played a card game and talked to others for a few minutes, then played some foosball. Next, I went to the NOTT event at a local coffee shop and played some checkers and UNO. It seemed that my friends were expecting that the end times could be starting to begin, and seemed to look to me for the answers. I told them to continue to have faith and continue to pray for the many people who are going through difficult times these days. The most important thing is faith in God, and even at church on Sunday the pastor made this point. He said that the rules set by certain church denominations like not dancing, drinking, or infant baptism, are not in the Bible but were developed over years by the followers. These rules are not the main thing, they are not required, but they can be helpful for His disciples. What is the main thing, it is following Christ and avoiding sin in everyday life. If this is my last post then I pray that you will learn to follow the Way and will have Hope in the dark world to come.

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